
Welcome women graduates in construction

Congratulations on completing your education in the dynamic field of construction! As you embark on this exciting journey, we’re here to support and empower you every step of the way.

Empowering women in construction

At Women Building NSW, we recognise women’s invaluable contributions to the construction industry. Our platform provides resources, guidance, and a supportive community explicitly tailored for female graduates entering this field. Ready to take the construction industry by storm? Let’s build a brighter future together.

Empowering women in construction

Jump-starting a career in the construction industry

Remember, starting a career in construction might involve facing challenges. Still, with determination, continuous learning, networking, and showcasing your skills, you can undoubtedly pave a successful path in this dynamic field.

 Navigating your career

Navigating your career

Entering the construction industry can be both challenging and rewarding. We offer insights, tips, and mentorship opportunities to help you navigate this male-dominated field, from finding your first job to advancing your career.

Internships and apprenticeships

Internships and apprenticeships

Consider internships or apprenticeship programs to gain hands-on experience. These opportunities provide practical knowledge and allow you to network and secure a full-time position.

Continued learning and certifications

Continued learning and certifications

Stay updated with industry trends and technologies. Consider obtaining additional certifications or specialised training in areas within construction that interest you, such as sustainable building practices or project management.

Showcase your skills

Showcase your skills

Create a strong portfolio showcasing your academic projects, internships, or hands-on experience. Highlight your skills, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and any leadership roles you’ve undertaken.

Stay persistent and flexible

Stay persistent and flexible

The construction industry can be competitive. Be persistent in your job search and consider entry-level positions that align with your goals. Embrace flexibility in roles initially to gain experience and move towards your desired career path.

Seek support and resources

Seek support and resources

Join industry-related groups, associations, or online communities. These platforms often offer resources, job postings, and opportunities for networking and learning.

Highlight your unique perspective

Highlight your unique perspective

As a female in a male-dominated industry, your perspective and skills may offer a unique advantage. Emphasise your communication, collaboration, and problem-solving strengths that can contribute positively to diverse teams.

Be confident and assertive

Be confident and assertive

Confidence is key. Believe in your abilities and be assertive in pursuing opportunities and voicing your ideas within the workplace.

Professional development

Professional development

Continuous learning is key to success. Access exclusive workshops, seminars, and online courses designed to enhance your skills, broaden your knowledge, and stay updated with industry trends.

Networking and mentorship

Networking and mentorship

Connect with professionals in the industry, both men and women. Seek mentorship opportunities to gain insights into different roles, challenges, and career paths within construction.

Breaking barriers

Breaking barriers

We are passionate about breaking down barriers and fostering inclusivity in construction. Our platform advocates for gender equality, diversity, and inclusion, promoting a more balanced and thriving industry for all.

Inspiration and success stories

Inspiration and success stories

Be inspired by the stories of successful women in construction. Learn from their experiences, challenges, and triumphs as they pave the way for future generations of female professionals in this field.

How we support

Join us on this empowering journey as we celebrate diversity and empower women to thrive in the exciting construction world!

Boosting the careers of women in building & construction

Boosting the careers of women in building & construction

Providing women in the building and construction industry access to support, encouragement and advice from experienced individuals through a virtual or face-to-face mentoring relationship.

Meet the Women Building Australia Ambassadors

Meet the Women Building Australia Ambassadors

Industry leaders are passionate about changing the industry for the better by getting more women into careers in building and construction. Their personal stories and experiences show that they lead by example.

Meet the Women Building Australia Influencers

Meet the Women Building Australia Influencers

Our Women Building Australia Influencers are trades-people who understand and experience the realities of working in the industry, are immensely successful and have a great passion for building and construction.

Mentoring support for female business owners

Business coaching offers experienced mentors providing tactical support for female business operators to help them navigate key issues confronting their business.

Useful links

Register as a mentee

Register as a mentee

Registering as a mentee for women in construction opens doors to invaluable learning experiences, personal growth, and career advancement.