Womens upskilling guide

Advancing excellence in construction

In the dynamic realm of construction, continuous learning and skill development are the cornerstones of success. For women venturing into this industry, embracing a culture of perpetual upskilling unlocks professional growth and propels the sector toward inclusivity and innovation. Here’s an extensive guide outlining 20 proactive steps for women in construction to elevate their expertise and thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Path to proficiency and excellence

In the multifaceted world of construction, opportunities for upskilling abound. Through diverse avenues such as certification courses, industry conferences, and specialised workshops, women in construction can chart their path to proficiency and excellence.

Path to proficiency

20 Steps for building mastery

Here’s a comprehensive list of 20 steps or ways that women in construction can undertake to upskill themselves:

Certification courses

Certification courses

Enroll in certification programs related to your field of interest within construction, such as LEED for sustainability, PMP for project management, or WHS for safety regulations.

Specialised workshops

Specialised workshops

Attend workshops focusing on emerging construction technologies like BIM (Building Information Modeling) or workshops on specific trades to expand your skill set.

Online courses

Online courses

Explore online learning platforms offering courses in construction management, digital construction technologies, or specialised areas like estimating and scheduling.

Industry conferences

Industry conferences

Participate in industry-specific conferences and seminars to stay updated on the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in construction.

Networking groups

Networking groups

Join women-focused networking groups or associations in the construction industry to connect with peers, mentors, and experts who can offer guidance and support.

Skill-sharing sessions

Skill-sharing sessions

Organise or participate in skill-sharing sessions where professionals in the construction field can exchange knowledge and expertise.



Explore opportunities to cross-train in various roles within construction, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of different facets of the industry.

Soft skills development

Soft skills development

Enhance soft skills like communication, leadership, and negotiation, which are crucial for effective project management and team collaboration.

Shadowing experienced professionals

Shadow experienced professionals on the job to gain practical insights and hands-on experience in different construction tasks and management styles.

Internships or apprenticeships

Engage in internships or apprenticeship programs to acquire real-world experience and learn directly from seasoned practitioners.

Continuous reading and research

Stay updated by regularly reading industry journals, research papers, and books related to construction management, engineering, or specific trade areas.

Mentorship programs

Seek mentorship from seasoned professionals in the construction industry who can guide you based on their expertise and experiences.

Industry webinars

Industry webinars

Attend webinars conducted by industry experts, discussing topics ranging from regulatory updates to technological advancements in construction.

Participation in industry projects

Participation in industry projects

Volunteer for industry projects or initiatives to gain exposure to diverse challenges and problem-solving scenarios.

Local community programs

Local community programs

Engage with community programs related to construction, such as Habitat for Humanity, where hands-on experience can be gained while contributing to social causes.

Lifelong learning mindset

Lifelong learning mindset

Cultivate a continuous learning mindset, open to new ideas, methodologies, and advancements within the construction industry.

Cross-industry exposure

Cross-industry exposure

Explore learning opportunities from adjacent industries like architecture, engineering, or real estate development to gain a broader perspective.

Seek feedback

Seek feedback

Solicit feedback from peers, supervisors, or mentors to understand areas for improvement and actively work on refining those skills.

Leadership training

Leadership training

Pursue leadership development programs tailored for the construction sector, focusing on effective management and decision-making skills.

Utilise company training resources

Utilise company training resources

Take advantage of training resources provided by your employer, such as in-house seminars, workshops, or training modules focused on enhancing construction-related skills.

Useful links