Vocational education and training

What is VET in construction careers?

Vocational Education and Training, widely known as VET, is a fast-track, job-focused approach to kickstarting a career, especially for those eyeing the construction industry. Unlike the traditional three-year bachelor’s degree, VET immerses students in the workforce through apprenticeships or traineeships, providing firsthand experience and honing practical skills for swift entry into paid work.

VET qualifications are a gateway to many career options that empower students with choices spanning over 500 professions. Whether opting for a program at a renowned public institution like TAFE NSW or a specialised private provider, students can tailor their educational journey to align with their aspirations.

 Diverse VET courses

Diverse VET courses catering to construction

In contrast to university admissions, VET courses do not require a specific ATAR score. The focus shifts to factors like knowledge, skills, and other relevant qualities, fostering inclusivity in construction-focused education. VET courses span various industries, offering tailored programs in administration, retail, tourism, hospitality, construction, utilities, community services, health, transport, mining, manufacturing, and technology.

Government support and fee-free opportunities

Recognising the significance of VET in moulding the future workforce, the NSW Government actively subsidises over 780 VET qualifications. Moreover, more than 120 fee-free apprenticeship courses further dismantle financial barriers, ensuring aspiring construction professionals have equitable access to quality education.

Varied durations of VET courses

VET courses adapt to the diverse needs and schedules of learners, providing flexibility in program lengths:

Certificates I–IV

Certificates I–IV

Ranging from six months to two years.



Typically take one or two years to complete.

Advanced Diplomas

Advanced Diplomas

Usually spanning 18 months to two years.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificates

Typically completed within six months to one year.

Graduate Diplomas

Graduate Diplomas

Usually taking one to two years.

Apprenticeships and traineeships: A bridge to real-world construction experience

Integral to VET, apprenticeships and traineeships seamlessly integrate work with training, offering a comprehensive understanding of the construction industry. While they may be a requirement for some VET courses, students can also pursue a VET program without committing to an apprenticeship or traineeship.

For students eager to embark on their construction journey during school years, SBATs provide a valuable bridge between education and hands-on experience, laying the foundation for a successful career in dynamic construction.

Vocational education training is a positive approach for construction careers

VET emerges as a catalyst for transforming aspirations into reality, offering diverse opportunities for those considering a fulfilling career in the dynamic and ever-evolving construction world.

Targeted skill development

Targeted skill development

Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs offer targeted skill development, ensuring that individuals acquire the specific competencies required for successful careers in construction. These programs focus on practical, hands-on skills that directly align with industry needs.

Industry-relevant experience

Industry-relevant experience

VET provides students with industry-relevant experience, allowing them to gain firsthand knowledge of construction practices. This experiential learning approach enhances their understanding and prepares them for the challenges of the construction sector.

Expedited entry into construction

Expedited entry into construction

VET offers a faster and more direct pathway into the construction industry compared to traditional academic routes. Graduates are well-equipped to enter the workforce promptly, reducing the time it takes to kick-start their construction careers.

Practical application of knowledge

Practical application of knowledge

VET emphasises the practical application of knowledge. Students don’t just learn theories; they engage in real-world scenarios, enabling them to apply their construction project skills and make them job-ready upon completion.

Career customisation options

Career customisation options

VET in construction provides individuals with various career customisation options. Whether focusing on project management, skilled trades, or technical roles, students can tailor their education to match their career aspirations within the construction sector.

Inclusive admission criteria

Inclusive admission criteria

VET programs often have inclusive admission criteria, making them accessible to a diverse range of individuals. This inclusivity ensures that people from various backgrounds and educational levels can pursue a career in construction.

Varied industry coverage

Varied industry coverage

VET courses cover various construction-related industries, including administration, retail, tourism, hospitality, utilities, community services, health, transport, mining, manufacturing, and technology. This diverse coverage allows students to explore different facets of the construction sector.

Government financial support

Government financial support

Government financial support for VET courses, including subsidies and funding, makes pursuing a construction career more accessible. This support minimises financial barriers, enabling individuals to invest in their education and future in the construction industry.

Fee-free apprenticeship opportunities

Fee-free apprenticeship opportunities

The availability of fee-free apprenticeship courses further enhances the attractiveness of VET for construction careers. This initiative encourages more individuals to undertake apprenticeships, fostering a skilled workforce in the construction sector.

Flexible program durations

Flexible program durations

VET courses offer flexibility in program durations. Whether pursuing a short certificate or a more extensive diploma, individuals can choose a program that aligns with their time commitments and career goals.

Comprehensive learning through apprenticeships and traineeships

Comprehensive learning through apprenticeships and traineeships

Apprenticeships and traineeships integrated into VET programs provide comprehensive learning experiences. Participants receive classroom education and actively engage in on-the-job training, gaining practical skills under the guidance of industry professionals.

Early exposure to construction education through SBATs

Early exposure to construction education through SBATs

School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) offer students early exposure to construction education while still in school. This hands-on experience allows them to explore their construction interests and make informed decisions about their future careers.

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